
CMD treatment

The SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC is your CMD specialist in Switzerland

Diagnosis jaw malposition: craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)

Jaw-cracking, neck pain, headaches? Various symptoms can be attributed to craniomandibular dysfunction (in short: CMD). The term craniomandibular dysfunction describes defective regulations of the function of the muscles of mastication or mandibular joints. The CMD disorder is a widespread clinical picture, but in many cases it is not recognized by physicians. Patients often suffer for years until they receive the diagnosis of CMD from a specialist and can start the CMD therapy.


Your personal
healing plan

Please contact us for further information on the broad range of treatments we offer for eliminating interference fields.


No swelling

Usually without any pain or swelling thanks to the surgical protocol and the accompanying medical treatment.

Only one session

Thanks to our ALL IN ONE CONCEPT, all treatments are performed in just a single session, meaning less stress for you and your immune system.

100% metal-free

It is not only our implants that are entirely ceramic; all the tools used for the insertion process are 100% ceramic, too.

No swelling

Only one session

100% metal-free

Usually without any pain or swelling thanks to the surgical protocol and the accompanying medical treatment.

Thanks to our ALL IN ONE CONCEPT, all treatments are performed in just a single session, meaning less stress for you and your immune system.

It is not only our implants that are entirely ceramic; all the tools used for the insertion process are 100% ceramic, too.

CMD disorder: symptoms and ailments

Patients suffering from the CMD disease often have many other symptoms that cannot be directly attributed to the jaw and its malposition. CMD does not just cause pain in the mandibular join but can also lead to the following symptoms and ailments:


  • headaches/tension headaches
  • tinnitus
  • vertigo attacks
  • dental problems like toothache or teeth grinding
  • pain around the ear
  • eye complaints/visual disturbances
  • shoulder and neck complaints
  • back pain
  • knee problems
  • restricted mouth opening
  • stress in the everyday life
What causes craniomandibular dysfunction?

The chewing apparatus is a complex system which must be extremely mobile in order to properly chew and speak. Teeth, jaw joints and jaw musculature should normally work together. However, if a disorder occurs, a malposition of the jaw develops which leads to further complaints.


A disorder can occur if a patient grinds their teeth at night and clenches the teeth too tightly. This is also known as “bruxism” and is a physiological reaction to reduce stress. Accidents and defective dental treatments can promote or trigger CMD, too.


Craniomandibular dysfunction treatment at the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC

If you are diagnosed with craniomandibular dysfunction or should there be any suspicion of the CMD disorder, the team at our CMD clinic can help.


At the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC in Switzerland you receive an individual neurological examination. If we discover a mandibular joint disease, we can start with a treatment of the dysfunction of the jaw. The clinical picture is treated by special processes developed over many years according to the biological guidelines of the SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPTS.


If you are diagnosed with CMD, dental treatment is one of the most important parts of the CMD therapy. A healthy oral environment is the groundwork of a profound healing.


Frequently asked questions about the CMD disease and CMD therapy

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Swiss Biohealth Clinic