
Professional dental cleaning

Minimally invasive dental care for the improvement of tooth structure, gums, tongue and soft tissue in one session.

Dental cleaning: prophylaxis and dental aesthetics

The professional teeth cleaning at the dentist is a preventive measure against caries, periodontitis and the loss of teeth. It also supports the smoothing and mineralization of the teeth and ultimately helps to maintain a healthy oral flora. Dental cleaning has a positive effect on dental aesthetics, due to the tooth scaling and polishing. After the treatment, the patient can expect smoother tooth surfaces and significantly brighter and more radiant teeth.


Professional dental cleaning based on natural materials

For our biological dental cleaning we rely on natural materials. By using biocompatible preparations and gentle substances, allergic reactions are almost impossible.


Your personal
healing plan

Please contact us for further information on the broad range of treatments we offer for eliminating interference fields.


No swelling

Usually without any pain or swelling thanks to the surgical protocol and the accompanying medical treatment.

Only one session

Thanks to our ALL IN ONE CONCEPT, all treatments are performed in just a single session, meaning less stress for you and your immune system.

100% metal-free

It is not only our implants that are entirely ceramic; all the tools used for the insertion process are 100% ceramic, too.

No swelling

Only one session

100% metal-free

Usually without any pain or swelling thanks to the surgical protocol and the accompanying medical treatment.

Thanks to our ALL IN ONE CONCEPT, all treatments are performed in just a single session, meaning less stress for you and your immune system.

It is not only our implants that are entirely ceramic; all the tools used for the insertion process are 100% ceramic, too.

Minimally invasive dental cleaning according to the Swiss Biohealth Concept

At the Swiss Biohealth Clinic on Lake Constance, the professional dental cleaning is one of the key elements of the dental prophylaxis, which we perform as gently and minimally invasive as possible.


Especially for patients with parodontitis, periimplantitis, amalgam fillings and metal-based inlays or crowns, a thorough dental cleaning has been particularly necessary. Often the gingiva was not healthy and concrements, plaque and tartar accumulated in gingival pockets, which had to be removed with maximally invasive treatment methods.


However, after our treatment, bones and gingiva are absolutely healthy again, making maximally invasive methods unnecessary. This is achieved by the treatment with our biocompatible ceramic implants and the all-ceramic restoration as well as the successful supplementation with vitamins and minerals.


During the tooth scaling and polishing and the dental prophylaxis at the Swiss Biohealth Clinic, bacterial plaque is removed from tooth and implant pockets in a minimally invasive way. Teeth, tooth implants, soft tissues and restaurations are cleaned safely and gently with this treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions about dental cleaning

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Swiss Biohealth Clinic