All in one

All dental problems are eliminated at the same time in just a single session or treatment sequence. This is key because the immune system can only function in an optimum manner, reliably integrate implants and eliminate systemic stress once all potential problematic factors like metals, osteonecrosis, root-treated teeth and other interference fields have been completely removed.

Basic pillars of the concept

An integral component of the SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT, ALL IN ONE aims to offer a comprehensive solution for dental and health problems. It comprises multiple aspects:


1. Holistic diagnosis
Possible causes of disease are identified by means of a thorough examination and analysis of the body and the teeth. In the process, close attention is paid to systemic connections to guarantee holistic health.


2. Biological treatment
The ALL IN ONE concept is based on gentle biological treatment methods that use natural materials and processes. The goal is to eliminate the stresses that are placed on the body and create an optimal environment for healing.


3. Collaboration between experts
Made up of experienced specialists such as dentists, doctors, naturopaths and homeopaths, the SWISS BIOHEALTH team collaborates closely in order to achieve the best possible result. The multidisciplinary team coordinates the treatment steps and adapts them individually so as to promote holistic recovery and healing.


4. Health management
The ALL IN ONE concept adopts a holistic approach to patient health, offering both dental treatment and support with improving nutrition, stress management and lifestyle optimization. In turn, this promotes the patient’s long-term health and wellbeing.


5. Getting from A to B as quickly and efficiently as possible
In just one session, we reduce the strain on your systems as efficiently and quickly as possible by eliminating all interference fields, thus guaranteeing optimal healing.


Thanks to SWISS BIOHEALTH’s ALL IN ONE concept, dental and health problems can be addressed in a comprehensive manner and treated naturally and holistically. The removal of all interference fields in just one session or treatment sequence brings the fastest possible relief to the system, guaranteeing not only maximum efficiency but also optimal healing. The concept’s overall objective is thus to achieve an integrated, patient-centered solution – for better health and quality of life.


Ceramics –
the best material for your health

Ceramic implants made of zirconium dioxide (also known as zirconia implants) are the pioneering alternative to titanium implants, which are still in common use. Gingiva attaches particularly well to this metal-free implant solution. The ceramic implant thus closes the gap through which bacteria could enter the bloodstream via the gingiva.


Their high tolerability and premium-quality properties make ceramic implants the future of implantology. Ceramic implants are extremely hygienic and do not release any particles into the surrounding tissue. There are no known allergies or intolerances associated with them.

Tamir Turgal, USA

What you are doing there is pioneering and revolutionary

Jacqueline Bussard, Germany

I was looking for a holistic dentist and was lucky enough to find the Swiss Biohealth Clinic.

Dr. Johannes Bergmann, Germany

I am convinced that you are years ahead with your concept of general dentistry!

Cynthia Milne, USA

Coming to the Swiss Biohealth Clinic has given me a renewed sense of hope and healing

Ilissa Larimore, USA

Almost immediately, I had better energy and was not as tired towards the end of the day

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