Ilissa Larimore

Ilissa Larimore

I was missing 6 adult teeth and the last two remaining baby teeth were basically holding my amalgam fillings together.


I was fortunate to grow up in a family that embraced integrative and personalized medicine, which led me to work for Metagenics – a large health sciences company focused on personalized lifestyle medicine. Throughout my upbringing and career, I had learned the health effects of amalgam fillings, metal implants, and the importance of lifestyle – nutrition, sleep, physical activity, stress, and the body’s ability to detoxify.


I had known all my life that I would eventually need implants, but was looking for a doctor who could align my goals to optimize my health and provide a more personalized and “whole body” approach. During a functional medicine conference in 2016, I happened to meet a practitioner who referred me to Dr. Volz. When I first went to SWISS BIOHEALTH in October 2017, I had no significant health issues, but felt terribly tired every day, and although my diet and lifestyle had not changed in years, I was slowly gaining weight. I also had cold hands and feet all the time. In addition to the 6 implants I needed, Dr. Volz identified and treated 4 cavitations. Almost immediately, I had better energy and was not as tired towards the end of the day.


Larimore Ilissa Vorher



Larimore Ilissa Nachher



Within a month, I slowly began to lose weight. I noticed that my extremities were not constantly cold and I had less swelling under my eyes. When I returned to the US a few weeks later, people noticed that I was swelling less. I would recommend SWISS BIOHEALTH to anyone who needs to have dental procedures. The entire staff is very nice, friendly, patient and caring. During the treatment/procedure, not only do you receive top-notch care, but there is also an emphasis on optimizing your health by reducing stress, micronutrients, and nutrition to stay healthy and comfortable for a lifetime.


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Please contact us for further information on the broad range of treatments we offer for eliminating interference fields.

Tamir Turgal, USA

What you are doing there is pioneering and revolutionary

Jacqueline Bussard, Germany

I was looking for a holistic dentist and was lucky enough to find the Swiss Biohealth Clinic.

Dr. Johannes Bergmann, Germany

I am convinced that you are years ahead with your concept of general dentistry!

Cynthia Milne, USA

Coming to the Swiss Biohealth Clinic has given me a renewed sense of hope and healing

Ilissa Larimore, USA

Almost immediately, I had better energy and was not as tired towards the end of the day

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