The meridian system is a concept from traditional Chinese medicine that describes the connections between teeth and organ functions. It postulates that certain teeth correspond with certain organs and that disharmonies in the oral cavity can have an effect on the connected organs. These links have a holistic effect on the person’s health and serve as a basis for dental and energy-related treatment approaches.
Jürgen Schröder
Expierience Report
about his stay

Jürgen Schröder
1:14 min

Cardiovascular system
Disharmonies in the area of the wisdom teeth, both in the upper and lower jaw, can affect the heart and the vascular system. Other consequences can include allergies, chronic fatigue, brain fog and anxiety.

Lungs and intestines
The premolars in the upper jaw and the molars in the lower jaw are connect to the lung-colon meridian and can also have an impact on the shoulders, the elbow and the lumbar spine area of the lower back.

Kidneys and bladder
Problems with the anterior teeth can have negative effects via the kidney-bladder meridian, for example on the urogenital tract, the prostate and the cervical and lumbar spine areas.

Knee and chest
Disharmonies in the upper molars and the lower premolars are linked to problems in the knee, the thyroid gland, the pancreas, the chest and the Achilles tendon, for example.

Liver and gall bladder
Problems with the canine teeth can negatively affect the health of the eyes, liver, gall bladder and hips as well as the body’s detoxification potential.
The meridian system
for self-analysis
Dental correspondences based on the relationships established by Bahr-Schmid, Voll-Kramer and the findings of TCM.
tongue, taste
jaw, anterior knee
Th12, Th11, L1
B12, B11, L1
left mammary gland
inner ear
shoulder, elbow, hand ulnar, foot plantar, toes
Th1, C8, Th7, Th6 , Th5, S3, S2, S1
B1, C7, B6, B5, S2, S1
left heart
posterior pituitary
CNS psyche
nose, olfactory sense, frontal sinus
posterior knee, sacrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
left bladder, urogenital area
adrenal gland
nose, ollfactory sense
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toe
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L4
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
tongue, taste
jaw, anterior knee
Th12, Th11, L1
B12, B11, L1
right mammary gland
tongue, taste
jaw, anterior knee
Th12, Th11, L1
B12, B11, L1
right mammary gland
inner ear
shoulder, elbow, hand ulnar, foot plantar, toes
Th1, C8, Th7, Th6, Th5, S3, S2, S1
B1, C7, B6, B5, S2, S1
right heart
anterior pituitary
CNS pysche
nose, ollfactory sense
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toe
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L4
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
posterior pituitary
nose, ollfactory sense, frontal sinus
rear knee, scrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, S4, S5, Co
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
right kidney
back pain, headache
nose, ollfactory sense, frontal sinus
rear knee, sacrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, S4, S5, Co
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
right kidney
back pain, headache
rear knee, hip, foot
Th8, Th9, Th10
B9, B10
right liver
posterior pituitary
nose, olfactory sense, frontal sinus
rear knee, sacrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, S4, S5, Co
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
left kidney
back pain, headache
nose, olfactory sense, frontal sinus
rear knee, sacrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, S4, S5, Co
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
left kidney
back pain, headache
rear knee, hip, foot
Th8, Th9, Th10
B9, B10
left liver
posterior pituitary
nose, olfactory sense
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toe
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L6
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
posterior pituitary
nose, olfactory
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toe
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L4
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
tongue, taste
jaw, anterior knee
Th12, Th11, L1
B12, B11, L1
left mammary gland
nose, olfactory sense, frontal sinus
posterior knee, sacrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
left bladder, urogenital area
adrenal gland
eye, visual sense
posterior knee, hip, foot
Th8, Th9, Th10
B9, B10
left bile, ducts
sinus maxillaris, tongue, sense of taste
anterior knee, jaw
Th12, Th11, L1
B12, B11, L1
left stomach
left mammary gland
sinus maxillaris, tongue, sense of taste
anterior knee, jaw
Th 12, Th 11, L1
B 12, B11 , L1
left stomach
lymphatic vessels
left mammary gland
ethmoidal cells, nose, olfactory sense
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toe
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L4
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
left colon
ethmoidal cells, nose, olfactory sense
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toe
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L4
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
left colon
ear, retina
shoulder, elbow, hand ulnar, foot plantar, toes
Th1, C8, Th7, Th6, Th5, S3, S2, S1
H7, B1, B5, B6, S1, S2, hip
jejunum, ileum, allergies
peripheral nerves
energy, balance
frontal sinus, nose, olfactory sense
posterior knee, sacrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
right bladder, urogenital area
adrenal gland
frontal sinus, nose, olfactory sense
posterior knee, sacrum-coccyx, foot
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4
L3, L2, Co, S5, S4, S3
right bladder, urogenital area
adrenal gland
eye, visual sense
posterior knee, hip, foot
TH8, Th9, Th10
B9, B10
gall bladder
sinus maxillaris, tongue, sense of taste
anterior knee, jaw
Th12, Th11, L1
B12, B11, L1
right stomach, pylorus
gonads, right mammary gland
sinus maxillaris, tongue, sense of taste
anterior knee, jaw
Th12, Th11, L1
B12, B11, L1
right stomach, pylorus
lympathic vessels
right mammary gland
ethmoidal cells, nose, olfactory sense
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toe
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L4
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
right colon, ileosacral area
ethmoidal cells, nose, olfactory sense
shoulder, elbow, hand radial, foot, big toes
C7, C6, C5, Th4, Th3, Th2, L5, L4
C7, C6, C5, B4, B3, L5, L4
right colon, ileosacral area
ear, retina
shoulder, elbow, hand ulnar, foot plantar, toes
Th1, C8, Th7, Th6, Th5, S3, S3, S1
C7, B1, B5, B6, S1, S2, hip
right ileum, allergies
peripheral nerves
energy, balance
I was looking for a holistic dentist and was lucky enough to find the Swiss Biohealth Clinic.
I am convinced that you are years ahead with your concept of general dentistry!
Coming to the Swiss Biohealth Clinic has given me a renewed sense of hope and healing
Almost immediately, I had better energy and was not as tired towards the end of the day