Biological medicine meets dentistry

The SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC in Kreuzlingen is a pioneer in biological dentistry. Our renowned therapists, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt for medicine, and Dr. Karl Ulrich Volz for dentistry, combine their exceptional skills in their respective fields for the benefit of your health. The SWISS BIOHEALTH and ALL IN ONE CONCEPT place a special focus on metal-free dental treatments. Our clinic is the most experienced in the world when it comes to the use of high-quality ceramic implants.


What we do differently

Our unique therapeutic approach aims to quickly and comprehensively eliminate all sources of stress and restore your ability to function. Profound healing can only be brought about if biological dentistry and biological medicine join forces and interact.

Complete Video
8:37 min


Treatment with ceramic implants

We remove harmful metals in the oral cavity and replace them with long-lasting ceramic implants.

Amalgam removal

We relieve the immune system by removing harmful amalgam fillings.

Removal of root canal-treated teeth

Immediate relief for the body thanks to the gentle extraction of root canal-treated teeth.

Treatment with ceramic implants

Amalgam removal

Removal of root canal-treated teeth

We remove harmful metals in the oral cavity and replace them with long-lasting ceramic implants.

We relieve the immune system by removing harmful amalgam fillings.

Immediate relief for the body thanks to the gentle extraction of root canal-treated teeth.

All in one

As part of the SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT, ALL IN ONE revolutionizes the way teeth are restored by eliminating the need for months of healing and multiple sessions. In just a single sequence of treatments, interference fields are removed and replaced with ceramic implants developed by Dr. Ulrich Volz. The SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT is based on metal-free dentistry. Neutral ceramic implants offer unique possibilities, enabling complex dental restorations to be carried out in just one session. They fuse biologically with the body, relieving the immune system and providing a healthy, esthetic and stable long-term solution.



From the point of view of dentistry, the meridian system is based on the assumption that teeth are connected to energy pathways in the body. Disturbances in the oral cavity can affect certain organs and parts of the body and thus trigger chronic inflammatory or autoimmune diseases.
Would you have thought that your knee pain could be caused by a “misalignment” of your canine tooth? Or did you know that an inflamed molar could be the cause of your gastrointestinal or back pain?

Tamir Turgal, USA

What you are doing there is pioneering and revolutionary

Jacqueline Bussard, Germany

I was looking for a holistic dentist and was lucky enough to find the Swiss Biohealth Clinic.

Dr. Johannes Bergmann, Germany

I am convinced that you are years ahead with your concept of general dentistry!

Cynthia Milne, USA

Coming to the Swiss Biohealth Clinic has given me a renewed sense of hope and healing

Ilissa Larimore, USA

Almost immediately, I had better energy and was not as tired towards the end of the day


for your health

At the SWISS BIOHEALTH CLINIC in Kreuzlingen, you will find a team of experienced dentists and therapists specializing in biological dentistry and implantology. Continuing education and an open ear for our patients are a matter of course.

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Swiss Biohealth Clinic